Thursday 31 October 2013

Halloween Hello

Just a quick Halloween Boo from us Boyd's.

As I listen to night time fire works in the neighbourhood go off, and nibble on Jake's candy stash (he really shouldn't eat it all himself), I am reflecting about how lucky I am to have a little train man and a little Zebra in my life.

He just always wants to be a train man, what can I do?

Thank you cousin Marsha for sending this hand made hat and matching wrap via express mail. Amelia's first Halloween wouldn't have been the same without it!

Yes, it's been a long week of transitions and change, but it's all good. And nights like tonight make it all worth it.

 Jake was quite happy with his loot this year, but can you believe there are still people giving out raisins!

Happy Halloween from The Boyds!


  1. Happy "1 week" Birthday Amelia!! Love your Halloween costume!! Hugs, Nana :)

  2. Raisins?! Child-haters :(

    Amelia is the cutest zebra ever. Maybe she can be a train man next year too.

    Mr. Hausfrau is very put off by your outdoing him with the carving this year. He went to the Target and got himself a darth vader pumpkin costume this year (will show you pics). Cheater.
